Phone: (504) 2445-3317 / (504) 2235-4526
Address: Lawson Rock Business Center, Sandy Bay, Roatan, HN
For Corporations with NO business activities (Holding Companies)
Single Level Corporation
Elaboration of General balance by Honduran CPA and Income Tax filing: US$350.00
Shareholders Assembly confirming (or changing) Administrators and approving of general balance: US$425.00
Double Corporate Structure (Piggy-Back) - Holding and Investment Company
Elaboration of General balance by Honduran CPA and Income tax filling US$230.00 each corporation.
Shareholders assembly confirming administrators, approving general balance US$345.00 each corporation.
Title report-opinion US$1750.00 one time fee.
Serving as Third neutral party to hold Escrow 0.5% fee of the funds handled.
Custody and Storage of Documents US$250.00 annual fee per preapproved package.